You can pay for any of our courses, events, therapies or classes the following ways:
You can pay with internet banking using the following details:
Sort Code 30-95-56 Account: 02127557 Name: LK Wood T/A Namratadevi
Please include a name or booking reference number as the payment reference.
You can pay by cash in person for any of the courses, classes, therapies and events. Please note that some of these require advance booking with payment at the time of booking. In these instances you may find it more convenient to use another payment option.
You can use a Chip & PIN credit/debit card in person for any payment over £5. We can't currently take debit or credit cards over the phone or via our website.
You can pay by cheque for any of the courses, classes, therapies and event by sending a cheque payable to Lesley Wood to: 4 Charltons, Saltburn, TS12 3DB